Monday, 16 December 2019

2D Shapes🐢⊙_⊙🐢

Hi. On the 4.12.19 we had to identify 2D Shapes and write down our studies.
Comment what you think about this.

Choose your own SLJ

Hi. This is another activity for the SLJ it is my last activity. For this one we could pick any entrepreneur I pick a group and there name is...

 Seal Team 6

They were the military group who killed Osama Bin Laden was well known for the terror attacks in the US that have killed around 3,000 civilians. Seal team 6 were the people who killed him but it is very top secret and no one except the group knows who killed him.

They have made an impact on a lot of lives because if they didn't kill him Bin Laden would've killed many more people.

Comment what you think about this.  

Equal Pay For Equal Work SLJ

Hi. This is another SLJ activity it is about equal pay for equal work. I had to answer the question.
Comment what you think about it.

Friday, 13 December 2019

My 5 similes SLJ

Hi these are my 5 similes that I did for Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. Comment what you think about it.

1. As tall as a giraffe

2. As quiet as a mouse

3. As dumb as a donkey

4. As sweet as sugar

5. As small as an ant

Pick A Path Drain🔥🔥

Hi. I have made a pick a path drain. In this slide there are questions and you have to click on what you think the answer is.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

3D Shape Properties🔥🔥

Hi. These are my studies on 3D shapes to tell you information. Comment what you think.
Hope You Enjoy. I noticed that when you look at a cube and a cuboid look different.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

My Pepeha SLJ

Hi. This is my Pepeha about who I am. It is a Summer Learning Journey Activity.
Please Comment What you think about it.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Lorde poster SLJ

Hi. I have hand drawn a poster about a New Zealand singer named Lorde. It has a drawing of her that I did, some facts, her name, and my signature©.
Hope you enjoy.

Look out below

“Look! Look down there!” His voice could just about be heard above the sound of the aeroplane’s engine and the shrieking wind in their ears.
“Can you see it?”
"See what?"
"The Statue Of Liberty"
"Oh yea"
As the prepared their parachutes, Jeff the kid who couldn't see the Statue got a bit nervous but Francis the other kid was encouraging him and telling him everything is going to be alright.  But Jeff still was terrified and Francis got a little frustrated so he gave Jeff a small nudge and Jeff fell and fell and fell. As Jeff was getting closer and closer to the ground Francis forgot that this was Jeff's first time skydiving. But it was too late for Francis to think that as Jeff hit the ground so hard it made a dent in the concrete road.
The End