Hello this is my second to last writing image thingamajig for now. Please comment on what you think okay now bye.
Hope You Enjoy...
The Time Traveller

Bob the farmer found the clock that he has in is bag in the farm barn that he just bought. Rumour says that someone used that clock to murder their wife and as soon as he murdered her with the clock he turned the hour and minute hand to the twelve then poof gone. So now that Bob has the clock he already knew about the rumour but he didn't now it was the clock that he had.
But ever since Bob new how to speak he was very cautious always. On his way to the place where he wanted to bury the clock, everyone he walked past gave him a scared stare, but he was a bit confused the only thing he knew was that he had the clock showing. Maybe they new about the clocks history maybe they thought he was the guy who murdered his wife (but of course he wasn't.) Once he arrived to the mountain where he would bury the clock he dug a decent size hole but very deep (almost 2 and a half metres tall) he put the clock pin there and then as soon as he put the first shovel full of dirt on the clock he had a heart attack and died.
The End